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Hangin' With Obama [Archived]

Note: This blog entry was originally posted on a MySpace.com blog and archived here on 8/23/2010.

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama spoke in Los Angeles today to roughly about 2,000 people at Rancho Cienega Sports Complex in Mid-City L.A.
Preceded by a performance by John Densmore and Tribal Jazz (yes, that’s THE John Densmore, drummer of The Doors), the Dorsey High School drumline and a gentleman who formerly lived on the streets and turned hislife around (who used it as a metaphor for what is possible to America), the United States’ newest political “rockstar” stepped out to his first public appearance in the City of Angels as a presidential candidate to rousing screams, hollers and applause.

I managed to stand 12 feet away from the guy and got these pics:

The Barack-star.

It was a lot warmer here than when he announced his candidacy in Illinois!

Just a tiny slice of the crowd.

More of the crowd.

The media and still yet more of the crowd.

As close as I can get. (That’s my right ring finger in the bottom right hand corner 🙂 After taking this photo, I reached out my hand and he shook it!)

Local politicos like Congresswoman Diane Watson and L.A. City councilmembers Bill Rosendahl, Janice Hahn, Bernard Parks and Jan Perry were in the crowd as well. After a half-hour long speech, which touched on issues like health care, education, the environment, the economy, U.S. dependency on foreign oil and The War in Iraq,  the candidate walked off to the tune of Chic’s disco classic, “Good Times.”

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