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Today wasn’t only another Cahuenga Library Mini Clean-Up, but the one-year anniversary of the native plant garden at the Library. So I went out to European Baking Co. on the way to the Library on Santa Monica Blvd and got a small red velvet cake for the volunteers.
I got to water the plants as […]
Appropo for Earth Day today, I was able to make a little addition to the garden thanks to Friends of Cahuenga Library president Sylvia Gutierrez, who donated three bags of mulch to our library garden! I met with her in Pico-Union where she signed off on the contribution form for our CD13 Clean & Connected […]
Not as frenetic as last Saturday, but this Saturday was a day of much community activity (So what’s new?)…
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Thai CDC Strategic Board/Staff Planning Retreat
Saturday morning was spent at the Hollywest Apartments’ multipurpose room as Thai CDC had the first part of its board and staff retreat. As a […]
We had another mini-clean up at the Cahuenga Branch Library today, but I was mostly not there. Having been assigned to do some onsite Social Media reporting for the Council District 13 office at their LAND Summit in Echo Park, I only was present at the cleanup at the beginning and at the end of […]
A mostly-barren strip of dirt along the front entrance of Lexington Primary Center.
This morning I met with Lexington Avenue Primary Center principal Paula Kurilich for a site tour of their campus, with the goal being how the community can help beautify it. I had told her we were looking for prospective Big […]
Almost ready to bloom – The Cleveland Sage out in front.
We had a small but loyal group of four people clean up the Cahuenga Library today – all of us veterans: Damon and Guia Wood, Amanda and myself, now branding ourselves as the “CahuenGardeners.” The amount of trash was moderately low, save […]
Today we had our first Mini-Cleanup/Gardening of 2011 at the Cahuenga Branch Library, with seven volunteers pitching in this morning.
I was joined by Monthly Mini-Cleanup veterans Damon and Guia Wood, along with local resident Amanda who first joined us last month, and her friend Amy, from nearby Silver Lake. Later on Eric Moore and […]
Verbinas come into bloom, thanks to the December rains.
After several days of rain the past few weeks and an unprecedented amount of December rainfall this month, I decided to check up on the Cahuenga Library Botanical Gardens to see what’s new. Being that this is the growing season for California native plants, […]
Today was the Cahuenga Library Mini-Cleanup, and we had six volunteers show up, including Amanda, a local resident who found out about the cleanup though this blog (Hi, Amanda! :)).
There was a large amount of trash that we had to do, though it was still manageable for six people to take care of. The […]
Having gotten into this California native plants thing, and not on the heels of last week’s Cahuenga Library Fall Planting event, I decided to start a little native garden of my own this week…
I started with these three plants I bought at Matilija Nursery:
From left: Coffeeberry, Cleveland Sage and Hummingbird Sage.
Then I […]