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The apartment complex at 822 N. Mariposa Ave, where Dodger Stadium beating suspect Giovanni Ramirez was arrested on Sunday morning.
I heard the Big News Story Of The Week on Sunday morning while driving. So went the radio:
“There’s been a breaking development in the beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow. The LAPD […]
It began just like any other visit to the Council District 13 field office on Hollywood and Western. I was there to meet with District Director Marta Segura to talk about ways I can help do outreach (especially with regard to social media) for their upcoming Los Angeles Neighborhood Dreams (LAND) workshop for […]
On the set of a James Blunt music video in Downtown L.A.
Walking in Downtown L.A. on Super Bowl Sunday was somewhat appropo this week, after the announcement of the Farmers Field NFL football stadium proposal made headlines this week. But I was here to go to an informal Super Bowl party thrown […]
Here's damage on the front bumper of my car: Note paint scratch, bent license plate frame and indentation on upper right hand corner of license plate frame.
A funny thing happened to me while I was posting agendas for the upcoming EHNC Youth & Education Committee Meeting.
Having biked […]
The Los Angeles City Council will vote on Wednesday, January 12 whether to slash the City’s graffiti abatement budget by up to 50 percent to ease the current budget woes. The proposal comes from a recommendation from the City’s Council’s Budget and Finance Committee.
Yes, we are in a budget crisis, but we’re going to […]
These two never got filled over the weekend. Neither did the other two I called in last week…
Last week, I blogged about Operation Pothole – the City of Los Angeles’ highly-touted endeavor to fill thousands of street potholes following our recent rains – and was even excited to call 3-1-1 to report […]
I recently got an email from a Ben Fuller-Googins from the Librarians’ Guild, the union representing workers of the Los Angeles Public Library system, which, as you know, has undergone severe service cuts the past year. Ben emailed me asking how he can speak at the January 24 East Hollywood Neighborhood Council meeting regarding Measure […]
One of the downsides to the recent record December rains are the number of potholes on the city streets. But even the cash-strapped City of Los Angeles knows it’s a priority. I’ve encountered quite a few in my neighborhood, both on car and on bike, and have called 3-1-1 to report them in, like this […]
2010 was not a great year for me as far as parking tickets. I had gotten three the entire year (a record; especially for someone who doesn’t drive every day), including the notorious ArtWalk tow-away ticket back in August. The third and last ticket of 2010 was gotten on the day before […]
On Monday night I attended an action rally meeting in support of a proposed Responsible Banking Ordinance for the city of Los Angeles, organized by LA Voice PICO, a multidenominational, faith-based group advocating social justice issues. Over 800 people representing various churches, synagogues, temples and mosques from across Los Angeles gathered at Church of the […]