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The Flip Side's cast, L to R: Esther Pulido, Abe Pagtama, Rona Par Miyasaki, Jose "Flipchild" Saenz and Verwin Gatpandan with director Rod Pulido
The passing of Filipino community icon Faustino “Peping” Baclig last March inspired filmmaker Rod Pulido (brother of Cerritos city councilman Mark Pulido – see how all these […]
Santa Monica Blvd, east of Vermont, circa 1954. The Cahuenga Branch Library can be seen right of center (From USC Digital Archives)
I’ve never thought of myself as a historian. I’ve always been interested in history, particularly local history, and I’ve always been an active writer…but never a historian.
But oftentimes, you grow […]
The Silver Lake Meadow area is prone to winds, making it a *perfrect* place to fly a kite.
It’s Easter Sunday in Los Angeles. After my music duties at St. Eugene Church near Inglewood, I met up with my parents and brothers for brunch at Home in Silver Lake afterward. My mom wanted […]
Just heard from an anonymous reputable source today (okay, it was Tai Kim, owner of Scoops) that the Synchronicity Space art gallery will be moving into the small stand-alone storefront “shack” at 713 N. Heliotrope Drive currently operated by The Fixx Carlton, a business that specializes in building custom fixed-gear bicycle frames. Synchronicity had been […]
Appropo for Earth Day today, I was able to make a little addition to the garden thanks to Friends of Cahuenga Library president Sylvia Gutierrez, who donated three bags of mulch to our library garden! I met with her in Pico-Union where she signed off on the contribution form for our CD13 Clean & Connected […]
I have three pairs of shoes that are in bad shape, but not in that band enough shape that they couldn’t be saved. Fortunately there’s a place in the neighborhood just a few blocks away that’s able to help. Inside the massive indoor bazaar known as “Uni Discounts” (4632 Santa Monica Blvd) carries a veritable […]
It was a perfect, warm Friday spring evening at last night’s Streetsblog Los Angeles fundraiser at Eco-Village near Koreatown. I was in the company of many familiar faces in the bicycling/transit/sustainability community and even put faces to familiar names I’ve encountered in the online world.
Last weekend’s CicLAvia was the big talk of the evening, […]
The former storefront of the Los Feliz Pinkberry on Vermont, vacant since last fall, has given way to Paradis, a new ice cream store in the area which just opened on April 7. Barely two miles from the new-legendary Scoops in East Hollywood and from Silver Lake’s Pazzo Gelato, the new shop seems to fill […]
I honestly have no idea who actually reads this blog regularly – the only time people read it is when I post links to it from my Twitter and Facebook sites – and I generally assume this blog is an unknown entity when it comes to blasting news and announcements, but I’ll say it here […]
It’s hard to believe that an entire six months had passed since the inaugural CicLAvia open streets event, but the first of three in 2011 had arrived on Sunday. Like the first one, it again used the 7.5-mile route from East Hollywood to Boyle Heights, but this time, there were at least 50% more people […]