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Branching Out!

I’ve originally made this blog to document my community observations and activities, but I decided to spin-off my Cahuenga Library Botanical Garden posts into its own separate blog – CahuenGardeners.

So from here on out, you can read about our Cahuenga Library gardening exploits at cahuengardeners.blogspot.com


A Great Evening At The Streetsblog Fundraiser

It was a perfect, warm Friday spring evening at last night’s Streetsblog Los Angeles fundraiser at Eco-Village near Koreatown. I was in the company of many familiar faces in the bicycling/transit/sustainability community and even put faces to familiar names I’ve encountered in the online world.

Last weekend’s CicLAvia was the big talk of the evening, […]

Show Some Support for Streetsblog Tonight!

I honestly have no idea who actually reads this blog regularly – the only time people read it is when I post links to it from my Twitter and Facebook sites – and I generally assume this blog is an unknown entity when it comes to blasting news and announcements, but I’ll say it here […]