Appropo for Earth Day today, I was able to make a little addition to the garden thanks to Friends of Cahuenga Library president Sylvia Gutierrez, who donated three bags of mulch to our library garden! I met with her in Pico-Union where she signed off on the contribution form for our CD13 Clean & Connected Communities grant application where the Friends of Cahuenga Library would act as partner and fiscal agent for the Library beautification project.
After picking the mulch up, I immediately took it to the Library where I spread it amongst the sages in the front. Granted, it was a little too red for what we were looking for, but after a while the color will fade from sun and weather exposure and it won’t really be much of a big deal. It does make the plants stand out more, and most importantly it covered up the ugly common mallow, dandelion, ragweed and horseweed that grow wild in the garden.
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