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March EHNC Outreach Meeting

Tonight we had our East Hollywood Neighborhood Council Outreach Committee meeting at THAIs, Inc’s offices. We took recommended $1000 sponsorship of the Youth Art Pavilion at the upcoming Songkran Thai New Year festival on Hollywood Blvd, which will be on Sunday, April 3. We also looked over the estimates from Lacey Art Service for EHNC window stickers to promote the neighborhood council to local businesses.

This was my first meeting  of a bikeable distance since my bike was stolen last month. Needing my exercise, I decided to walk the 1.2 miles from home to the THAIS,Inc office, which didn’t take as long as I thought it would take – just under 20 minutes. Must say, it does feel good to walk the 2+ mile roundtrip to the meeting and back. I guess walking is a suitable substitute for biking in the interim.

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