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Come, Mr. Tally Man: Doing the Glendale Bicyclist and Pedestrian Count 2010, Part 2

Continuing on Wednesday’s efforts to count bicyclists and pedestrians on San Fernando and Los Feliz for the Glendale Bicyclist and Pedestrian Count 2010 , I returned to the intersection today, a much warmer day, riding my bike four miles from home through Los Feliz to the intersection. Joined by two other men, Sean and Joe, both Glendale residents, we sought refuge in the shade of the CVS pharmacy in the corner and counted away from 10 a.m. to noon.

Being the count veteran for the week, I handled Westbound on Los Feliz and southbound on San Fernando, while the other two took the other intersections. Sean brought a folding chair which he sat on (and gave us a chance to recline on it later) and we cooperated in making sure we caught pedestrians and bicyclists for our appropriate streets.

Interestingly, the westbound Los Feliz wasn’t as dead as it was on Wednesday. It seems more bike traffic is recreational in nature (presumably heading to the bike paths of the L.A. River and Griffith Park), and the pedestrians were residents of the neighborhoods towards that direction.
In the end, I counted 43 pedestrians and 14 bicyclists on westbound Los Feliz; 36 pedestrians and 5 bicyclists on southbound San Fernando.

The three of us walked down the street to the air-conditioned confines of the Vons supermarket down the street, compiling our tallies in the Starbucks there. Joe volunteered to take the tally sheets to my friend Colin, the count’s coordinator at the Glendale Chess Park off of Brand in the downtown area. I went there, by bike, to meet up with Colin to pick up my volunteer gift (a half-hour massage coupon from Massage Envy).

The Chess Park was an interesting public space, a converted pedestrian alleyway turned into a place where one can play chess (B.Y.O. pieces):

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