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Santa Monica Blvd, east of Vermont, circa 1954. The Cahuenga Branch Library can be seen right of center (From USC Digital Archives)
I’ve never thought of myself as a historian. I’ve always been interested in history, particularly local history, and I’ve always been an active writer…but never a historian.
But oftentimes, you grow […]
Just heard from an anonymous reputable source today (okay, it was Tai Kim, owner of Scoops) that the Synchronicity Space art gallery will be moving into the small stand-alone storefront “shack” at 713 N. Heliotrope Drive currently operated by The Fixx Carlton, a business that specializes in building custom fixed-gear bicycle frames. Synchronicity had been […]
Appropo for Earth Day today, I was able to make a little addition to the garden thanks to Friends of Cahuenga Library president Sylvia Gutierrez, who donated three bags of mulch to our library garden! I met with her in Pico-Union where she signed off on the contribution form for our CD13 Clean & Connected […]
I have three pairs of shoes that are in bad shape, but not in that band enough shape that they couldn’t be saved. Fortunately there’s a place in the neighborhood just a few blocks away that’s able to help. Inside the massive indoor bazaar known as “Uni Discounts” (4632 Santa Monica Blvd) carries a veritable […]
It’s hard to believe that an entire six months had passed since the inaugural CicLAvia open streets event, but the first of three in 2011 had arrived on Sunday. Like the first one, it again used the 7.5-mile route from East Hollywood to Boyle Heights, but this time, there were at least 50% more people […]
Not as frenetic as last Saturday, but this Saturday was a day of much community activity (So what’s new?)…
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Thai CDC Strategic Board/Staff Planning Retreat
Saturday morning was spent at the Hollywest Apartments’ multipurpose room as Thai CDC had the first part of its board and staff retreat. As a […]
Sunday afternoon was spent at a great community tradition for the past eight years on the first Sunday of April: the big Songkran Thai New Year Festival on Hollywood Blvd, between Western and Normandie avenues, in Thai Town.
“Songkran” translated does not mean “New Year,” but refers to the first month of the traditional […]
Our Council President does The Robot. Just kidding; he discusses the LAND process.
Just an hour after this morning’s Los Angeles Neighborhood Dreams Initiative (LAND) Summit for Echo Park and Historic Filipinotown, The party moves west to East Hollywood’s Kingsley Elementary School, where about 20 community members came to participate in CD13’s series […]
We had another mini-clean up at the Cahuenga Branch Library today, but I was mostly not there. Having been assigned to do some onsite Social Media reporting for the Council District 13 office at their LAND Summit in Echo Park, I only was present at the cleanup at the beginning and at the end of […]
Tonight we had our East Hollywood Neighborhood Council Outreach Committee meeting at THAIs, Inc’s offices. We took recommended $1000 sponsorship of the Youth Art Pavilion at the upcoming Songkran Thai New Year festival on Hollywood Blvd, which will be on Sunday, April 3. We also looked over the estimates from Lacey Art Service for EHNC […]